Communicate with the sports desk about booking the hall for competitions throughout the year.
Search for accommodation and book it for competitions outside of Dublin. Then make sure members going know where the accommodation is and sort them into rooms.
Get all the entries for competitions in on time. Or if we are hosting a competition make sure other colleges get their entries into you on time.
Communicate with judges and superiors about coming to help out at competitions. Complete the judging panels and timetables for competitions in UCD.
Send emails out about upcoming competitions. Get all the info on the competitions and summaries it in an email for members going to see.
If hosting a competition, organise judges lunches, prizes and all the required paperwork needed ready for the day. Make sure the hall gets set up on time.
Communicate with other colleges about other competitions they are hosting throughout the year. Then letting club members know about these competitions well in advance.
During a competition weekend making sure members get to the hall on time, are judging/marshaling/ scorekeeping/ competing at the correct panels they are supposed to be at.
Communicate with the Head Coach and Ass Head about which levels members are competing at and if they are to be put onto teams or not.
Making sure the routines are printed out and available to learn at training.
Actively communicate with club members about upcoming competitions.