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Here you will find all of the information about the AGM which will be held on the 17th of April 2024!


So how does it all work?

If you would like to run for a committee position you must be nominated by someone else or nominate yourself. Nominations will open on Sunday MARCH 24THAll nominations must be sent to The deadline for sending nomination is APRIL 10TH. This is a confidential email that only the Captain has access to in order to maintain the anonymity of all nominations. 


Once you have been nominated the Captain will message you to let you know you have been nominated for a committee role and you will have the option to accept or decline the nomination. The deadline to accept a nomination is Friday the 10th of APRIL at 23:59pm.


Should you accept the nomination you must also obtain a "second". A second is essentially an endorsement from another club member saying that they think you would be good for the role. You cannot second yourself. It is not essential but is usually seen to be preferable to get the second of the person who currently holds the position you intend to run for. It's perfectly normal to ask for a second so don't be shy, and if you're unsure of who has held the role previously just get in contact with us and we can help you out. The deadline to obtain a second is Monday the 15th of APRIL at 23:59pm. 


In addition to obtaining a second it is customary to produce a "manifesto" detailing why you should be elected to the committee position you are running for. Basically you should run through any previous organising experience you may have had and any potential ideas you may have for the role. These usually take the form of a word document or a slideshow that you send to the club and we will distribute them to everyone in the club on this page. 




Committee Roles

Below you can find a list of all roles on the committee. By clicking on the title of the role you can find what is involved in each committee position. This may be helpful when nominating others for positions or while writing your manifesto! As manifestos are submitted they will also be posted here (click on name to view).

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

There are no current accepted nominations

Conor Kiely & Emer Clune (Co-Captains) seconded by Chris Murphy

Aidan Mayer and Joel Lim (Co-Captains) seconded by Split


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